On June 10, 2022, prof. Kristina Misheva presented the paper "The legal aspects of telehealth" at the International Scientific Conference "The recovery of the EU and strengthening the ability to respond to new challenges – legal and economic aspects" that was held in Osijek, Croatia.

The research article “Legal aspects of eHealth development in North Macedonia” by prof. Misheva and prof. Ampovska was published in "Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law" Vol.12 NO.12 (2021).  https://lawjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/10610 

На 25.06.2021 во простириите на Правниот факултет се реализираше јавна одбрана на дипломската работа под наслов Човековите права во време на пандемија: биоетички и биополитички импликации  од кандидатката Љупка Трајкова.